Saturday, December 12, 2009

Update Debt Elimination - November 2009

Hi everyone, Hope you are having a wonderful time getting ready for the holidays and staying out of debt! It has been a crazy few weeks for me at work and I have missed blogging. It feels good to be back at the keys, typing away.

This is my day of truth, where I call all the credit card companys and get the current balances. November was a crazy credit card month, one of the cards lowered our credit limit, even though we have never been late on a payment and have been paying the balance down, it was on a card that daycare charges automatically each month. When the credit card company lowered the balance the daycare payment bounced. Very embarrassing and more then a little depressing. Hopefully 2010 will be a better year economically, I have high hopes.

Credit Card Balance
Start point = $95,351
Last month = $89,518
Current = $86,222