Sunday, September 11, 2011

Coupons Finally!

It has been WEEKS lately where my local Sunday paper has not had coupons, for the past 3 weeks nothing. But today finally coupons, Yeah. My coupon case has become very light so I'm looking forward to coupon cutting today.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Cooking the Debt Away

Ok here I am once again trying to save money through the families food budget. So again no eating out, so far so good, but with getting used to the new school schedule it seems harder than before.

DH just called asking what to bring home for dinner, he knows we have cut out the eating out. Guess old habits are hard to break but I really need him to try a little harder or maybe I need to try harder to not be so frustrated with.

Dinner last night was flank steak so tonight is chicken with a tandoori sauce. Night before last was grilled jerked chicken. Trying to Kees the meals switched up so husband does not get board with having the same meat each night, hope I can keep the cooking juices flowing. Any ideals?

Debt Ups and Downs

So far this week has been good for debt ups and down, lets see the goods:
  • DH has not charged anything this week (I'm impressed)
  • Both cars still running
  • DD decided she did not want to order team photos (really she forgot about it)
  • No ordering out
  • I did not give in to any labor day sales; this is usually when I get a few pieces to round out my work wardrobe for the year
Now for the bad:
  • Still purchasing school supplies, cost another $44.
  • DD who is learning how to drive, drove over glass with my brand new tires (today) but so far it looks ok.
  • Need to write checks totaling $145 for school (this is public schools)
  • Refrigerator still not working properly since Hurricane Irene and our extended warranty is up.
Guess you can only control what you can and work with the rest.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Debt so bad I'm lost

My family's debt is so bad and I don't know what to do.  Tried everything I could think of but we can't seem to make any headway. That is not totally true, we make headway but we loose it 3x faster then we make it. And I am pretty sure the main culprit is my dear husband, he is AWFUL with money. We both believed that if I took over the bill paying (after years of arguing) it would fix the problem. That was a big joke, instead of fixing the problems it seems to have just delayed the downfall and removed my husband from the reality of it and increased my stress so much that my some times tick has turned into an all the time tick. At the same time I am no angel, since my husband seems unable to curb his spending I have been spending a little more than I need.  Getting super depressed again, will write more later....Happy savings

Friday, September 2, 2011

It's Been a long time

But I'm back. It has been over a year and every time I thought we were making progress in a few months we were worse then before. I took over the bill paying a little over a year ago, for a while we did ok. Even started a savings account, we got up to nearly $3,000.  Well all good things must come to an end over the past 3 months I have had to deep into the savings to cover the monthly bills and I can't tell why.

That is not totally the truth, one month we had to make some car repairs about $600. Over all it seems to be a lot of little things and I feel like I have lost an uphill battle that has finally rolled down hill and can't get up.

This is so depressing, I will write more later, I promise right now I need a hot cup of tea.