Thursday, September 17, 2009

Another great article

MSN Money has a great article called Get real: Downsize your money goals the article discusses how overly ambitions goals can discourage a person and keep them from trying to reach the goal. The article is by Liz Pullman Weston.

I think I am going to try setting mini goals and use them as steps leading up to the ultimate goal.


  1. Here's my advice to you and your family.....

    Stay focused and as Dave Ramsey says "be gazelle intense". You can't have the mentality that you'll wonder out of debt or that you'll try-to-sort-of-give-it-a-try. Set goals that aren't impossible to achieve or too easy to accomplish. If you set your goals too easy, you'll spend years more in debt and possibly "give up" cause it take too long.

    Trust me, my wife and I paid off $31,500 in debt in a little over a year (with both of us having a combined 5 jobs). Over the next twelve months, my wife and I will be completing over $20,000 worth of home renovations....not with a visa or line of credit or a big box store credit card....we're doing this with cash. We took Dave Ramsey's advise and never looked back.

    you won't be disappointed!!!

    Good luck!!!

  2. Thank you for the advice, Have heard of Dave Ramsey but will take a closet look.
