Sunday, September 20, 2009

$95,351.53 - Credit Card Debt Total

With our credit card debt being so large I decided to concentrate on that debt alone. To be truthful by the time we pay off all the credit card debt everything else besides the mortgage will be paid off also.

I have verified all the credit card totals and the total is not $100,000 but $95,351.53. To be truthful with the numbers being so large there does not seem to be any real difference between $100,000 and $95,351 but It could have been $5,000 in the other direction so I will take if for what it is and be happy.


  1. Wow, that's a lot. At one point, we had about 50 k in debt. I ended up doing the the worst thing you can do and declaring bankruptcy. Yes, it flushed everything away, but it affects you for a long time as far as being able to obtain good rates on car loans, mortgage, etc. If you can develop a plan, stick to it, and still be able to live reasonably well, I would adopt that strategy.

  2. Good luck - we are here to cheer for you --- just take it one step at a time. You can do it... Have you developed your plan of attack yet?

    you are right - 95 is a lot better then 100!!!

  3. Good luck...and remember, don't give up!!! A lot of families and individuals paid off debt (especially in these times) and sacrificed a lot to become debt free. Wether it's 25K or 95K, the feeling of being debt free is liberating. Were all rooting for you...

  4. Thank you for the encouragement! It is greatly appreciated. Some times it feels like every day is a struggle to stop the debt growth and start to turn things around.
